365 Days/365 Plays (One-Act)

Collection / Anthology

This collection of 365 impeccably crafted pieces, each with its own distinctive characters and dramatic power, is a complete work by an artist responding to her world, each and every day. "One Act"
refers to a presentation of 30 or fewer plays from the collection.

365 Days/365 Plays (One-Act)

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On November 13, 2002, the incomparable Suzan-Lori Parks got an idea to write a play every day for a year. She began that very day, finishing one year later. The result is an extraordinary testament to artistic commitment. This collection of 365 impeccably crafted pieces, each with its own distinctive characters and dramatic power, is a complete work by an artist responding to her world, each and every day. Parks is one of the American theater’s most wily and innovative writers, and her "stark but poetic language and fiercely idiosyncratic images transform her work into something haunting and marvelous." (Time Magazine)

Note: Theatre makers are welcome to present an assortment of selected plays from 365 Days/365 Plays. A presentation of 31 or more plays is considered "Full-Length," while a presentation of 30 or fewer plays is considered "One Act." All presentations must include the three plays known collectively as “The 3 Constants.”

365 Days/365 Plays made its world premiere at the Public Theater in New York City during the summer of 2006. From August 17–18, 2006, the first five months of 365 Days/365 Plays were read, and from September 28–29, 2006, the remaining seven months were read.



    • 365 Days/365 Plays at Ohio University youtube thumbnail

      365 Days/365 Plays at Ohio University

    • 365 Days/365 Plays at NHA and E youtube thumbnail

      365 Days/365 Plays at NHA and E

    • 365 Days/365 Plays at Circle X - Week 19, Part 1 youtube thumbnail

      365 Days/365 Plays at Circle X - Week 19, Part 1

    • 365 Days/365 Plays at Circle X - Week 19, Part 2 youtube thumbnail

      365 Days/365 Plays at Circle X - Week 19, Part 2

    Licensing & Materials

    • Minimum Fee: £40 per performance plus VAT when applicable.


    Suzan-Lori Parks

    Suzan-Lori Parks

    Named one of Time magazine’s “100 Innovators for the Next New Wave,” in 2002 Suzan-Lori Parks became the first African American woman to receive the Pulitzer Prize in Drama for her Broadway hit Topdog/Underdog.

    A MacArthur “Genius” Award recipient, she has also been awarded gr ...

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